Monday, July 20, 2009

Wells Fargo - Oh How I Hate Thee!

I came in need of no bling nor chrome
Seeking money for school and for home
You promised a low rate
Then forgot till too late
Hence shall I say, "Seek else for a loan!"

Ok, two negative blogposts in a row is unfair to everybody who reads this, so I promise to make it up to you with a happier post next time. Let's hope that happens sooner rather than later!!


Jenni said...

So poetic of you, and dumb of me to not get it. So you applied for a loan and was denied?

Steph said...

2 in a week is a positive thing though! I hate Wells Fargo as well! Nothing but bad news.

Jenni said...

LOL so I got your comment on our blog. Apparently, Will went back and did a post-edit, so go back and read that and it will all make sense. :)