Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ahh, My Child, the Prodigious Wonder

Cordelia has loved music from the moment she was born. The first song she ever heard was Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer, sung to her when she was but a day old by her daddy in and attempt to calm her down. And it worked. Since then she has seemed to have an affinity for music, and is drawn to pianos and piano-like instruments (such as organs and her little-tyke piano-xylophone thingy).

Last week at church, Cordy and I were tracking down Tammy who was still in the Young Women's room (for anybody who is unfamiliar with the LDS church, "Young Women" refers to girls ages 12-17, so the "Young Women's" room is not the lavatory, it's just a room where the young women meet). I opened the door and Cordelia pushed through and climbed right up onto the bench and started plunking away. I pulled out my camera-phone and took the following vid.

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